Home » Vitastiq – Tracks 26 vitamins and minerals in your body, including Iodine & Selenium

Vitastiq – Tracks 26 vitamins and minerals in your body, including Iodine & Selenium


How often do we get off the healthy track? To keep track of our smart habits, we tried Vitastiq – a nutrient tracker that works with a smartphone to indicate the user’s vitamin and mineral trend.

All you need are the Vitastiq pen and free app. After downloading the app, you need to pair the gadget with your smartphone and register using a QR code. When you reach the measuring points, the app guides you every step of the way. To get the reading for any of the vitamins listed, you should slightly press the tip of the pen against the specific measuring point on your skin until it retracts all the way in. Moments later, you will see the reading.

Vitastiq has already won 3 CESAwards for Best User Experience, a recognition by Google Campus, and it has been published in major media outlets.

This non-invasive gadget, based on electroacupuncture, tracks the trend of 26 nutrients in your body.

This non-invasive gadget, based on electroacupuncture, tracks the trend of 26 nutrients in your body. You can choose a predefined template or create your own to include only the vitamins you are interested in. Most of the measuring points are located on fingers and toes, although there are a few other points on the body that are a bit harder to reach, so you have to be very careful if you want to get the accurate readings. Vitastiq does require some practice, so the best advice, in general, would be to closely follow the in-app instructions and read the quick start guide that comes inside the box.



The Vitastiq creators have actually come out with two trackers. Vitastiq 2 is to be used independently, and the latest addition, Vitastiq FAMILY, includes an additional tube that lets you help someone else get their readings. The app is the same for both products, and allows for multiple profiles; it saves the history of readings for each one of them. Inside the ‘history’ feature, you can see the user’s average value for each nutrient, i.e. track the vitamin trend. Another useful feature involves the information on natural food sources for each of the 26 vitamins and minerals, including Iodine and Selenium.

Vitastiq has already won 3 CESAwards for Best User Experience, a recognition by Google Campus, and it has been published in major media outlets.

We have some great news! Thyroid Central readers (YOU) have 10% DISCOUNT for every Vitastiq order. Just go to www.vitastiq.com and use CODE: THYROID10PERCENTOFF in their shop, or click HERE for direct order with discount included. 

Vitastiq is not available in the US at this moment.


Vitastiq Vitastiq Vitastiq

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