Birth control is a very popular form of contraceptive that has many implications for women’s health – from the deterrents to the benefits involved in pregnancy. If you consume birth control pills and suffer from hypothyroidism, it is very...
What problems can Thyroid Gland cause during pregnancy? In this section, you can read about how to deal with Thyroid issues that may develop during pregnancy. The imbalance in the secretion of hormones and problems with the thyroid’s function can cause some make it difficult to become pregnant, maintain a healthy lifestyle while pregnant, and cause potential problems after giving birth. To be fully informed about every possible thyroid issue which may arise before, during and after pregnancy, check out our “Pregnancy” section. is not a healthcare provider and therefore if you are pregnant and have problems with your Thyroid, it is best to consult a doctor.
Understanding The Effects Of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy Even though pregnancy is seen as a wonderful time in a woman’s life, there are many concerning factors that...
Fertility is defined as the ability to reproduce or to generate children. There are many factors that affect fertility, such as age, ovulation, as well as the state of...
Caring for the Thyroid Gland is especially important for women who have just given birth. These women are at high risk to develop postpartum hypothyroidism, which can...
All women who have difficulty in conceiving or who are planning to become pregnant are strongly advised to seek medical advice as to whether their thyroid problems may...