The Chinese have been using acupuncture as an effective way of dealing with hyperthyroidism for years. Here is the logic behind it. The Chinese see hyperthyroidism as a condition of excessive energy that causes a goiter. This energy is metabolized by the liver, an organ largely responsible for the metabolism of the entire body.
If you are suffering from thyroid issues, you may have heard that there are treatments available in Western medicine which involve hormone replacement. However, there are also alternate forms of treatment that originate in the East. Read on to find out more about these treatments and how one woman was able to overcome her battle with thyroid issues by relying on these methods. This is Rosie’s story.
Rosie was suffering from mild symptoms related to hyperthyroidism. Researching the disease, she read the writings of Elaine Moore. Moore suffered from hyperthyroidism and wrote to warn patients of the dangers of radioactive iodine as a treatment. Moore also advocated that Western medicine could not eradicate hyperthyroidism.
The Chinese have been using acupuncture as an effective way of dealing with hyperthyroidism for years.
Rosie had tried beta blockers which only served to raise her blood pressure. She decided to give Chinese medicine a try. Given her mild symptoms, she thought this might be a good path for her to take.
The Chinese have been using acupuncture as an effective way of dealing with hyperthyroidism for years. Here is the logic behind it. The Chinese see hyperthyroidism as a condition of excessive energy that causes a goiter. This energy is metabolized by the liver, an organ largely responsible for the metabolism of the entire body. Emotional stress and improper diet can cause this energy to become ‘stuck’ in the liver generating heat in the body. The body dries out and produces extra mucus which accumulates in the thyroid gland as phlegm. Once there is a buildup, a goiter forms.
Acupuncture works by getting the energy moving throughout the body again. It promotes cooling and moisturizing and promotes the feminine energy in the body. It can also regulate the menstrual cycle.
For Rosie, the acupuncture was very effective. She had been missing periods because of her hyperthyroidism but her menstruation came back after her very first session. Her blood pressure came back to normal and her blood test had no abnormal results. Most importantly, her TSI which indicates the antibodies that would promote the thyroid to produce more hormone, tested negative.
For Rosie, the acupuncture was very effective. She had been missing periods because of her hyperthyroidism but her menstruation came back after her very first session.
Despite these results, Rosie would not recommend acupuncture as the only path of treatment for those suffering from thyroid issues. Patients might also want to see an endocrinologist who will be useful in the ordering of blood tests. Also, for those with abnormally high blood pressure, beta blockers may be necessary. Those who chose acupuncture to treat their thyroid problems should also realize that the treatment must be personalized. Since the hyperthyroidism has different causes, treatment should vary on a case by case basis.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine may not be the best path for everyone, and it is advisable you should consult with your doctor before you try start on any sort of treatment for your thyroid treatment. However, Rosie’s story should encourage those afflicted with thyroid disease to explore different paths and look for alternatives in trying to find what will work for them. The story of Rosie’s success can be inspirational for many. Thyroid issues are manageable and treatable. Good luck finding the treatment that works best for you!
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