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No More Stress – Change Your Lifestyle!

No more stress
e are under influence of natural stress every day and it runs our body from the inside.

Many of us are under stress every day and it can have a negative impact on how the body functions. We also have natural stress which activates early in the morning while we sleep.

Daily Biorhythm

To alleviate stress, it is best to try to complete all the difficult mental and physical activity during the morning or in the early afternoon when your body is in the state of “natural” stress and is producing more energy. During the afternoon, you should try to decrease the intensity of your activities. Aim towards the activities that you find amusing and relaxing during this time. Also, it’s a good idea to try and go to bed early, to rest the body for a new day.

Try to reduce the consumption of food that affects the absorption of iodine (cabbage, kale, yams, broccoli, mustard, lima beans, flax seed, soybean, gluten),  and drinks that contain a lot of caffeine (coffee, cola, some teas) and alcohol.

Change your lifestyle

Physical activity

It’s a good idea to include some physical activity in your weekly schedule. It doesn’t matter whether it is working out in the gym or in the living room, aerobic or anaerobic group exercise, recreational sports or a daily walk, just do it! Exercise creates energy for  the metabolic processes in the body and takes the burden off the thyroid gland.


When it comes to diet, you should include more fruit and vegetables in your meals (carrots, spinach, apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas). It is important for the metabolic processes to drink enough water (8-12 glasses per day) and eat fish, cheese, whole grains, poultry, beans, legumes and healthy oils (olive oil, flax oil). The ideal thing would be to listen to your own body and its desires for certain groups of food, which can vary from individual to individual and can change in time. Try to reduce the consumption of food that affects the absorption of iodine (cabbage, kale, yams, broccoli, mustard, lima beans, flax seed, soybean, gluten) and drinks that contain a lot of caffeine (coffee, cola, some teas) and alcohol. Also, if you are a smoker, try to reduce the number of cigarettes  you smoke during the day.

Stress! Stress! Stress!

Thyroid under StressMany of us are under stress every day and it can have a negative impact on how the body functions. We also have natural stress which activates early in the morning while we sleep. Stress increases the secretion of the adrenal gland hormone cortisol (stress hormone). The main task of this hormone is to raise the arterial pressure and increase the supply of the cells with glucose (from the liver and adipose tissue) and oxygen.

At the same time, there is an increase in the concentration of the thyroid hormones in the blood, which accelerates the metabolism or combustion of the glucose with oxygen gas which result in giving us energy for waking up and operating and functioning well through the day.

But, today’s lifestyle can be so stressful that there is pressure on the thyroid and adrenal gland during the whole day. The long-term exposure to this pace of life can lead to stress burnout. This can have negative effects on the thyroid gland, as well on the other organs in the body, especially the ones that are weak (due to previous diseases or genetic predisposition). Some people may even have headaches and stomach aches due to too much stress.

Stress can do harm to the body, it’s organs and the thyroid gland. It is important to make sure to put aside some time each day to devote to stress free activities that will make you happy and relaxed. That way you will have a happy and healthy life!

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