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Hashimoto’s Disease: It’s Symptoms and Treatment

Hashimoto’s Disease It’s Symptoms and Treatment
Hashimoto’s Disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid.

Hashimoto’s Disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid. The inflammation from Hashimoto’s Disease can lead to an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. Read on to find out more about Hashimoto’s Disease, it’s causes, symptoms and treatments.

Fortunately, Hashimoto’s Disease is treatable. The main form of treatment is hormone replacement therapy.

Hashimoto’s Disease manifests itself slowly so it may be difficult to recognize the signs and symptoms until it has already caused thyroid damage. Early signs may be a swelling in the throat, where the thyroid gland is located. Other symptoms are similar to the symptoms you experience with hypothyroidism. These include:


Sensitivity to Cold


Pale, Dry Skin

Puffy Face

Brittle Nails

Hair Loss

Unexplained Weight Gain

Aches and Pains


Excessive or Prolonged Menstruation


Other health complications may arise as a result of having Hashimoto’s Disease. These include a goiter, heart problems, mental health issues and Myxedema (a rare but life threatening disease which can occur if Hashimoto’s Disease goes untreated).

The cause of Hashimoto’s Disease is unknown. Some suspect that it may be caused by some kind of virus or bacteria while others think it may be due to a genetic flaw. Because the disease’s cause is unknown, it’s impossible to prevent it from occurring. However, there are risk factors that may make one more likely to contract the disease.

Hashimoto’s Disease is most common in middle aged women though it can also effect children, men and women of every age. The likelihood of contracting the disease will increase if someone in your family has had the disease. Other risk factors include having an autoimmune disease like diabetes and radiation exposure.

It’s difficult dealing with Hashimoto’s Disease and hypothyroidism which may be a direct result of the disease.

If you suspect you may have Hashimoto’s Disease, you may want to consult a physician. If you are at high risk for Hashimoto’s Disease, regular screenings are recommended. Doctors may perform antibody tests and hormone tests to diagnose the disease.

Fortunately, Hashimoto’s Disease is treatable. The main form of treatment is hormone replacement therapy. Because Hashimoto’s Disease is mainly caused by a thyroid hormone deficiency, synthetic hormones can be used to replace these.


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Maintain a positive attitude and take care of yourself.

If you are diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease, it is also important not to let your symptoms get the best of you. Maintain a positive attitude and take care of yourself. Try not to get stressed out, eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep and exercise.

It’s difficult dealing with Hashimoto’s Disease and hypothyroidism which may be a direct result of the disease. However, these conditions are treatable manageable if given the proper care. If you find that you have symptoms that may be related to Hashimoto’s Disease, the best course of action is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Stay healthy and do all you can to keep Hashimoto’s Disease from getting the best of you.

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