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Benefits of Thyroid Supplements for Hypothyroidism

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As you likely know, the thyroid gland is responsible for a lot of body functions like the health of your kidneys, brain, heart, appetite, muscle strength, energy levels, metabolism, etc.

If something wrong happens with the thyroid gland, the person will experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms, most commonly being losing or gaining weight disastrously.

There are millions of people who suffer from hypothyroidism in America alone. Due to genetic issues or diet, the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough thyroid hormones. These issues often go undiagnosed since many of the symptoms are commonly mistaken for other problems.

This is where thyroid supplements can help, according to Thyroid Advisor.

Do thyroid supplements actually help in the functioning of the thyroid?

For most patients, the answer is yes. Thyroid supplements definitely help in boosting the thyroid functioning in a unique way.

Many people think that these thyroid supplements contain the necessary nutrients that are needed for thyroid functions. That is certainly one way to think of it. Another way to think about it is that thyroid supplements help find what your body lacks and give it what it needs accordingly.

If your body lacks the mineral zinc, then your immune system will not work as effectively as it should until you restore the normal level of zinc in your body.

There are many studies that show how common nutrient deficiency is and what kind of symptoms it might lead to. Herbs may also help with this.

Best thyroid supplements for hypothyroidism

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids

The job of omega-3 fatty acids is well-documented since they come with autoimmunity. This acid has anti-inflammatory properties. Since omega-3 acid supplementation decreases the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and decreases disease activity, this autoimmune is significantly beneficial.

The omega- fatty acids can be commonly found in fish oils, like mackerel and salmon. Seafood and fishes also contain other important minerals and vitamins that act like antioxidants. The highly volatile fish oils can be oxidized when exposed to heat easily.

Therefore, it is important to find fish oil supplements that are blended with antioxidants.

  1. Selenium

Selenium is a multi-faceted mineral in the case of thyroid health. It has been studied that consuming selenium supplements on a regular basis can decrease thyroid antibodies. It is also a crucial ingredient that is needed to form thyroid hormones. A decrease in selenium can not only lessen the amount of thyroid hormones being formed but also affect the thyroid metabolism and synthesis.

You can find selenium in food products, like shitake mushrooms, eggs, turkey, beef, chicken, lamb, scallops, sardines, salmon, shrimp, and tuna. If you wish to take supplements, 100 to 200 micrograms of selenium supplements per day are just the right amount.

  1. Zinc

As mentioned above, zinc plays an important role in preventing hypothyroidism. Majority of the people who suffer from this disease lack the mineral zinc. Normally, zinc needs a good amount of stomach acid to be absorbed sufficiently by the body. But, if the body is unable to produce stomach acid, zinc cannot be absorbed optimally.

Deficiency in zinc often leads to hair loss that is associated with hypothyroidism. An increase in the amount of zinc can prevent things like these from happening. Some food sources rich in zinc are nuts, legumes, meat, mollusks, shellfish, etc. Opting for a zinc supplement would require you to consume at least 30 milligrams of it every day.

  1. B-complex vitamin

People with abnormally high or low immune activity are more susceptible to acquiring other diseases. One such disease associated is pernicious anemia. The body’s natural defense system, the antibodies, attacks the stomach’s parietal cells, thereby hindering their ability to produce the intrinsic factor, which is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12.

A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause weakness, fatigue, muscle aches, anxiety, and depression (all symptoms associated with hypothyroidism). The B vitamins are important because they boost metabolism that is responsible for drawing out energy from food and body fat.

Since hypothyroidism causes a lower rate of metabolism, it is extremely important for them to consume B vitamin supplements. B vitamins can be found in food items, like seeds, eggs, fish, meat, yogurt, whole grains, milk, legumes, etc.

  1. Iodine

You need an adequate supply of iodine to make thyroid hormone. The recommended intake of iodine for an adult body is about 150 micrograms per day. There are many food sources that are rich in iodine, like seaweeds, kelp, eggs, poultry, cheese, and milk.

But, care should be taken with supplementing iodine because too much intake of this mineral can cause problems and lead to other thyroid problems as well. It has also been studied that combining iodine with selenium can also prevent negative effects, like an increase in thyroidal antibodies. Those with Hashimoto’s should be even more concerned as well.

The most important aspect in determining the best thyroid supplement is the ingredients within the bottle. Although many manufacturers use similar formulas, these thyroid supplements can have drastically opposite effects on the same person.

Mostly, it is due to the quality of the ingredients within the bottle. Always check reviews online to make sure your making a good choice before purchasing the thyroid supplement.

In several cases, the quality of the ingredients and where they are sourced from can have much bigger effects than the ingredients itself.

Always be sure to read the contents of the supplement bottle before you decide to purchase and use them.

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