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Magnesium and Weight Loss: How Are They Related?

You might already know that there is an indirect relationship between magnesium and weight loss. That is why some people buy magnesium supplements to get rid of their excess body fats and weight. However, some people are skeptical, and they do not believe that magnesium can help in weight loss.

As a person who wants to turn to a magnesium supplement for weight loss, it is crucial to know the connection of magnesium to weight loss.

How Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight?

It Helps in the Regulation of Insulin and Blood Sugar

Insulin and glucose play an essential role in weight maintenance. Insulin is an important hormone that helps in providing the cells their needed energy by allowing them to absorb blood glucose, which is their source of energy. Moreover, insulin also plays a vital role in breaking down proteins and fats.

Excess calorie intake is one reason why people gain weight. Excess calories may result in an excess amount of glucose entering the cells which will only turn into fat.

Aside from eating an excessive number of calories, the large production of insulin is also one of the causes of weight gain.

As you may notice, weight gain is a common problem faced by people with diabetes who need the manual intake of insulin to process glucose in their bloodstream.

It is possible because of insulin’s primary job of allowing the glucose in the blood to enter the cells. If there is a considerable amount of glucose in the blood, large amounts of it will enter the cells. Those that the cells will not use for energy will only turn into fats.

Magnesium can help in regulating the balance between insulin and glucose levels. This is highly beneficial not just for those who have diabetes, but also for overweight individuals.

A research study also discovered that magnesium provides better control in maintaining the right amount of glucose and insulin in the body.

Reduces PMS Symptoms in Women Such as Bloating and Water Retention

Studies show that magnesium supplements are useful for reducing some symptoms for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women. These PMS symptoms include abdominal cramps, irritability, tiredness, and fluid retention.

A particular study investigated the effect of the 200 mg magnesium supplement on women for two menstrual cycles. They found that during the second menstrual cycle that the women have taken the supplement, mild PMS fluid retention symptoms were already lessened.

Aside from fluid retention, magnesium also helps in reducing other PMS symptoms like abdominal pain and mood swings.

It Enhances Exercise Performance

Everyone knows that physical activity such as exercise is the most advisable tip for weight reduction. In a study, researchers found out that magnesium also plays a vital role in enhancing exercise performance.

Magnesium is essential for several body functions which include energy production, electrolyte balance, and oxygen intake. In the mentioned study, it was concluded that exercise promotes redistribution of magnesium throughout the body to meet the body’s metabolic needs. As such, magnesium deficiency can worsen the effects of hardcore exercises.

It Helps Fight Depression

People with depression usually exhibit a change in appetite. Some do not have the desire to eat, while some resort to binge eating. When a depressed individual eats a lot, one of the possible results is weight.

Studies found that there is a link between magnesium deficiency and depression. To add, magnesium also plays a vital role in mood enhancement and brain functioning.

A 2007 to 2010 study investigated the relationship between depression and magnesium intake on 8894 adults in the US whose age ranged from 46 to 47. They found that the adults that had the lowest intake of magnesium are 22 percent at risk of this mental issue.

Should You Take a Magnesium Supplement?

Generally, taking magnesium supplements is not necessary because this mineral is abundant in different food sources which include:

  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Peas
  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Fruits
  • Soy products

However, studies found that almost 50 percent of the US population receives below the recommended daily magnesium requirements. As a solution to this, magnesium supplement intake can help meet these daily requirements.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There are only a few people suffering from side effects because of the excessive magnesium in the body. Commonly, the ones who suffer from their adverse effects are the ones who have been suffering from serious health issues like kidney or heart problems.

Some of the side effects are:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleepiness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hyperexcitability
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Numbness

Wrap up: Is Magnesium Helpful for Weight Loss?

The relationship between magnesium and weight loss is evident because of the several benefits that magnesium can offer to one’s health.

Aside from weight loss, magnesium is also essential for the creation of new proteins, repairment of RNA and DNA, regulation of the nervous system, and more.

Now, if you are into weight loss, then taking magnesium supplements regularly can help you achieve your goal of losing weight.

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