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Recommendations for a Healthy Diet

Recommendations for a Healthy Diet
Normal servings of fruits will not harm the metabolism if they are being consumed during daytime hours.

Busy people may not have the time to prepare and eat a healthy meal which can result in them eating unhealthy fast food items. However, it is possible to introduce small changes into your everyday life, which will can improve the quality of your diet.

Recommendations for a Healthy Diet

Today’s lifestyle often doesn’t allow for a regular number of scheduled meals per day.Busy people may not have the time to prepare and eat a healthy meal which can result in them eating unhealthy fast food items. However, it is possible to introduce small changes into your everyday life, which will can improve the quality of your diet.

Don’t forget to drink a sufficient amount of fluids during the day, like water or tea.

The Importance of Liquid Food

Solid food makes up a big part of a healthy diet.  However, healthy foods can come in liquid form as well. These can be beneficial to someone with slow digestion or someone who is dealing or healing from a medical condition. Good choices for liquid foods include a soup or vegetable stew and some fruit compote or dairy products as a snack. Also, don’t forget to drink a sufficient amount of fluids during the day, like water or tea. The body loses fluids easily, even through breathing!


It is recommended to eat fruits in the morning hours because they contain simple carbohydrates that the body uses as a source of energy because they are easily digested and move through the bloodstream and directly into the cells. Besides that, fruit is an excellent source of water, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, which makes them an good choice for the morning hours when the body needs to rehydrate after sleeping.

Normal servings of fruits will not harm the metabolism if they are being consumed during daytime hours. However, eating too much during the evening hours, can mess up the rhythm of insulin delivery in the long term. If fruits are being consumed after bigger meals or later in the day, it is a better choice to pick from the ‘berry family’ or eat citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, etc. Everyday fruit consumption can aid in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and stroke.

Diet Schedule

At the beginning of the day, it is best to consume bread, pasta or rice.Bread and other bakery products are recommended to be eaten in the morning,  while pasta and rice ‘al dente’ is a great choice for lunch.Snacks should be homemade if possible. Avoid synthetic ingredients that may be found in store bought yogurts and frappes. These may be higher in calories than you think.

An after dinner snack can be a warm cup of milk with a spoonful of cocoa, cinnamon or vanilla, and for those with lactose intolerance,  probiotic yogurt, can aid with digestive issues.

Dairy products like acidic, kefir, sour milk or coconut water, are important because of their high mineral content. These are considered natural isotonic beverages and also an important source of water sodium, potassium, magnesium and others.

In the afternoon and evening hours protein intake is recommended. Leaner parts of poultry, beef, and pork or fish such as sardine, tuna, mackerel or less lean, salmon are all good choices. An after dinner snack can be a warm cup of milk with a spoonful of cocoa, cinnamon or vanilla, and for those with lactose intolerance,  probiotic yogurt, can aid with digestive issues. 

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